What's all the Buzz about Convalescent Plasma?

Vaccine development is not the only effort science is racing to develop and evaluate as part of our toolkit against COVID19.

Four former FDA Commissioner's have collaborated on this piece highlighting the latest on the study of convalescent plasma: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/08/03/4-former-fda-commissioners-blood-plasma-might-be-covid-19-treatment-we-need/?utm_content=buffer634f9&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter

The basis behind convalescent plasma is to use the defense system of antibodies from a person who has recovered from COVID19 to boost the immune response of a newly infected person.

If you have recovered from COVID19, consider donating plasma: https://thefightisinus.org/en-us#home

Donated plasma may be used for 2 different powerful routes:

1) Direct transfusion to a patient critically ill with COVID19

2) Development of plasma derived therapy

Excellent graphic detailing these 2 routes here: https://thefightisinus.org/images/TwoPaths.pdf

The federal government’s ACTIV program, also part of Operation Warp Speed, is standing up trials of promising treatments, including convalescent plasma and synthetic antibodies that work through mechanisms similar to plasma to neutralize the virus. For more information on the details of COVID19 trials: https://www.nih.gov/research-training/medical-research-initiatives/activ